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필터 (OFLV Filter)와 렌즈 (Detector Collection lens)

by 스노우하나 2023. 7. 31.

Filters Installed in Spectrometer

High-pass colored glass filters with 50%T l at: 305, 375, 395, 475, 515, 550, 590 nm
Color modifying filters
Neutral density filters
OFLV detector filter (200-850nm)

OFLV Filter

1. DET4-200-850 should be specified on all Flame spectrometer(USB2000+/USB4000) orders with #1 or #2 gratings starting at 200 nm.
2. DET4-350-1000 should be specified on all Flame spectrometer (USB2000+/USB4000) with #2 or #3 gratings starting at 350 nm.

3. Grating #13 starts at 300 nm. There is no order-orting filter for this grating. NOTE: If the measurement requires UV response <400 nm, specify the UV2 upgrade. There is no UV response <350 nm. If you need the full range, 200-1100nm, order the HR4000CG spectrometer with HC-1 grating.

4. DET4-200-1100 is used with any HR4000 , Maya2000Pro, QEPro configured with grating HC-1.
NOTE: the HR4000CG-UV-NIR is a preconfigured system with the HC-1 grating, 5 um slit, and DET4-200-1100 filter. You can always use a different slit size and/or add a L4 Lens for different applications, but the order-sorting filter is recommended for all systems with the HC-1 grating.

Collection Lens

Images tall slit image onto short detectors
improves signal by 10X for low light level applications
reduces stray light by improving efficiency (less illumination for a given signal)
requires large core fiber to maximize

L4/L2 Detector Collection Lens

The L4 upgrade adds a quartz cylindrical lens on the surface of the detector to focus more light onto the pixels
2-4x enhancement of signal level
Available for all spectrometers except the Maya2000Pro, QEPro (not needed there)
Recommended for all low light level applications or future application needs
Always add large core fiber

UV Detector Option

Flame(USB)-series detector has a glass window
UV4/UV2 upgrade involves removing this glass window and replacing it with a quartz window
DET4-xxx(DET2B-XXX) part numbers combine the detector with the window
DET4(2+)-VIS = detector + glass window
DET4(2+)-UV = detector + UV4 + quartz window
DET4(2+)-350-1000 = detector + OFLV-350-1000 window
DET4(2+)-200-850 = detector + UV4 + OFLV-200-850 window
DET4(2+)-200-535 = detector + OFLV-200-535 window
DET4(2+)-200-1100 = detector + UV4 + OFLV-200-1100 window
QEPro series detectors already have a quartz window and quartz will pass UV light